BUTLER – Butler sheriff made an arrest today at his own jail, he says this is one of the ways that drugs find their way into detentions centers from family members.
According to Butler Sheriff department a search was conducted in the Butler County Jail Lobby following our jail visitation. Upon searching the public restroom in the lobby, drugs and drug paraphernalia were located in a bag taped underneath the toilet.

An investigation reviled that a family member of an inmate had instructed the inmate on what drugs and where they were placed so he could find them at a later date. Video evidence also proved it.

Kimberly A. Gadd was identified and charged with Illegal Conveyance of weapons, drugs, or other prohibited items onto grounds of a detention facility or institution a Felony 3 count.
“Ms. Gadd is no longer on a visitation list. She is now listed on a court docket,” said the Sheriff.