How to PROTECT yourself: The Pickaway County General health District advises the following tips to protect yourself and children from mosquito-borne illnesses and West Nile Virus:
1. When going outdoors, wear long sleeve clothing and pants to provide a protective layer that discourages mosquitoes from biting.
2. Consider using a personal insect repellant that contains DEET. Use repellant that contains less than 10 percent or less of DEET on children. Be sure to read the product directions before application.
3. Avoid using scented products such as perfumes or cologne.
4. Avoid areas that have high populations of mosquitoes. Take extra precaution when being outdoors during hours that mosquitoes are more active (at dawn and dusk).
1. Empty water from items that can hold water, or store items that can hold water in a dry location (etc. buckets, kid pool, bird baths, scrap tires)
2. Aerate fountains to keep water moving or becoming stagnant. Properly chlorine and filter pool water to keep water from becoming stagnant.
3. Remove solid wastes and scrap tires from your property to prevent mosquito breeding sites.
4. Cut tall vegetation or grass routinely to reduce mosquito harborage around your home.
5. Keep gutters and downspouts clean of debris and adequately drained. Fill in holes or depressions in your yard that can hold stagnant water or ponding of water.
Pickaway County General Health District also has free larvicide treatments available at 110 Island road, suite C. The larvicide product can be used in a standing water source that cannot be dumped or removed and will kill mosquito larvae before they can develop into adult mosquitoes. Feel free to stop by our office and obtain the larvicide product
for use at your home. To report mosquito problems or complaints, or if you have additional questions about West Nile Virus or other mosquito borne illnesses, or have questions about our mosquito surveillance program, please call 740-