Home News Hummingbirds Begin Their Return to Ohio: When to Expect Them and How...

Hummingbirds Begin Their Return to Ohio: When to Expect Them and How to Attract Them


Hummingbirds are once again making their annual migration from their winter habitats in Mexico and Central America, heading north to the United States. Ohio residents can track their return on an interactive migration map, but when can you expect to see them in the Buckeye State?

According to AccuWeather’s migration map, hummingbirds will begin arriving in the southern half of Ohio between April 1 and 15, with the northern half seeing their return from April 15 to 30. This timeframe aligns with Hummingbird Central’s estimates, which reported the earliest 2024 sighting in Otway, Ohio, near Portsmouth, on April 14. Other sightings in the southern part of the state occurred between April 15 and 25. As of early March, hummingbirds have been spotted heading northward from the Gulf Coast, with some sightings from the Southwest.

While most hummingbirds migrate, it’s important to note that some species, such as those in California and the Pacific Northwest, do not. The earliest recorded sighting was in Key Largo, Florida, on January 26.

What Species of Hummingbirds Will You See in Ohio?

Ohio is home to a few species of hummingbirds, with Ruby-throated hummingbirds being the most common in the summer. These bright green birds with iridescent red throats (males) or brownish-green crowns and sides (females) are a familiar sight. Another less common species is the Rufous hummingbird, which occasionally migrates north, showing up in Ohio each winter. These birds are distinguishable by their bright orange backs and iridescent red throats (males).

How to Attract Hummingbirds to Your Home

As the birds make their way back to Ohio, you can encourage them to visit your yard with a few simple steps:

  • Shelter: Provide large trees, shrubs, or garden areas for both protection and resting spots.
  • Food in Nature: Hummingbirds primarily feed on nectar from flowers (red flowers are particularly attractive) and small insects like mosquitoes, flies, and aphids.
  • Water: Hummingbirds enjoy shallow bird baths, especially those with a small waterfall or moving water.
  • Plants and Flowers: Add plants like lantana, zinnias, salvia, and fire bush to your garden. These flowers are hummingbird favorites.
  • Hummingbird Feeders: Fill feeders with sugar water as a supplement to the birds’ natural diet. Remember, sugar water provides energy, but hummingbirds also rely on insects for protein.

How to Make Homemade Hummingbird Food

To make your own hummingbird nectar, mix 4 parts water to 1 part sugar. Stir until the sugar is completely dissolved, and store any extra nectar in the refrigerator. Make sure to clean your feeders every other day to prevent mold from forming.

When to Put Out Hummingbird Feeders in Ohio

According to Bird Feeder Hub, it’s recommended to place your hummingbird feeders outside in mid- to late-April. However, you may want to set them out a little earlier if migration maps indicate early arrivals.

Get ready for the return of these amazing creatures and help make your yard a welcoming stop on their journey north!