Home News BialyCorp Improves Lot in Circleville Gateway

BialyCorp Improves Lot in Circleville Gateway

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BialyCorp was busy improving two vacant lots in downtown Circleville last week. On the Southeast corner of West Main Street and Scioto Street, crews worked to change the water drainage so that it emptied through the alley into the street. John Bialy and Ike Wampler of BialyCorp said that they incur annual repair costs because of the way the water runs through the lot and erodes the surface.

Heavy machinery added a black surface to the lot. Bialey said, “When water is added, it’s much less dusty than the gravel surface it is replacing.”

Wampler said, “We also incur other expenses related to the lot, like abandoned cars.” Customers for businesses surrounding the lot often use the parking lot, in addition to the businesses owners and employees. BialyCorp has been working with the businesses to set up rental agreements for the lot, providing revenue to keep the lot available and maintained.

Bialy said, “The new surface should go a long way in making this section of the Circleville Gateway look a little better.” Though the lot will no longer be available to the public for parking, some of the participating businesses plan to make their individual spaces available for customers.

Over on Court and High street, crews worked to remove an old gas tank that remained in the ground from when it was the Circleville Oil Gas Station. The EPA investigated the property and concluded there were no environmental issues with the tank. U.S.T., a Lancaster company, extracted and removed the tank.

Pictures of this work provided by U.S.T.


  1. I’ve always wondered why the owner of the Weaver building next the scioto and main lot never bothered to fix the wall that faces the lot? It would improve the appearance of that entrance area of downtown. The crumbling chimney is a safety issue as well,maybe you could ask them?

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