COLUMBUS, Ohio – Governor Mike DeWine has announced the reopening of Indian Lake State Park on Friday, March 29, following the extensive damage caused by a tornado and severe storms in Logan County on March 14th. Thanks to the dedicated efforts of ODNR staff, local communities, and volunteers from across Ohio, this cherished recreational destination is set to welcome visitors back well ahead of the summer season.
“Ohioans are resilient, and we have been diligent in assuring the health and safety of residents in the weeks following the tornadoes and severe storms in Western Ohio,” stated Governor DeWine. “Indian Lake State Park is a wonderful destination for Ohioans and visitors to enjoy fishing and outdoor recreation, and its reopening is a step towards rebuilding our communities.”
“Our hearts ache for all those affected by the recent storm,” added ODNR Director Mary Mertz. “Throughout this ordeal, our top priority has been ensuring the safety and well-being of our visitors and the surrounding communities. Witnessing the incredible resilience and determination of this community to restore the park has been truly inspiring.”
The tornado, with a width of 1,000 yards and a path of 31 miles, caused widespread devastation not only to the state park but also to the neighboring communities.
Despite the challenges posed by the recent disaster, Indian Lake State Park will reopen its grounds on March 29, with the exception of Fox Island. The extensive damage to Fox Island, including downed trees and a destroyed shelter house, necessitates ongoing cleanup efforts.

In terms of boating, modifications to the no-wake zone areas will be introduced for added safety due to possible debris in the lake, with additional buoys being placed between Paradise Island east to Orchard Island and from Orchard Island east to Moundwood.
Furthermore, the Indian Lake State Park campground will resume operations on March 29, honoring existing reservations, including those for the upcoming total solar eclipse.

“This has been an incredibly trying period for the Indian Lake community,” remarked Indian Lake State Park Manager Hiedie Whitman. “However, we have witnessed an outpouring of support from the community, local businesses, and countless volunteers. While we are excited about the prospect of reopening the park, our thoughts are with this community, and we ask our visitors to respect our neighbors and friends during this terribly difficult time.”

Visitors are encouraged to stay updated by monitoring the Indian Lake State Park Facebook page for the latest updates and additional notices.