“It Takes Two”: Shared Expectations for Teens and Parents for Driving” is the theme this year of the National Teen Driver Safety Week October 20-26, 2013. Teen Driver Safety Week is held the third week of October to bring awareness that teens are four times more likely to be involved in a fatal motor vehicle crash than adult drivers. Nearly 5,000 teens die in motor vehicle crashes each year in the United States. The theme was created because of the belief that during the first year of independent driving, it takes both the parent and the teen driver working together to create a skilled driver. Parents who provide training, set expectations for their teen driver, and demand safety as a part of this privilege are more likely to have a teen driver that respects the rules of the road and incorporates safe driving habits.
“In Pickaway County, we recognize Teen Driver Safety Week and hold our teen driver safety program as an important part of our overall safety initiative”, noted Safe Communities of Pickaway County Director Teresa C. Carper. “During the Pumpkin Show this year we are promoting Teen Driver Safety, and we will work with the schools throughout the year to continue to promote safety to this age group.” Safe Communities recently changed the name of their program to “Impact Teen Driver” to meet the State of Ohio’s overall programming for teen driver safety.
Teen driver fatalities have decreased in the county, however with each new set of drivers each year the work of safety advocates never ends. Local schools have made teen driver safety an important part of their overall education and safety measures. Seat belt use has increased among local teens by an average of 26% over the last few years.
Parents and Teens alike can view information on Teen Driver Safety Week by visiting www.teendriversource.org or the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration website at www.nhtsa.gov .