The Circleville Pumpkin Show is proud to announce that online registration has opened for the following contests for the 115th Circleville Pumpkin Show and are located on our website under Registrations.
Little Miss Pumpkin Show Parade and Judging: Contestants must be in the second grade, must be residents of the Circleville Trading Area, and must be registered by midnight on Wednesday, October 12th. No exceptions.
Baby Parade and Judging: Contestants must be no older than 35 months, must be residents of the Circleville Trading Area, and must be registered by midnight on Saturday, October 15th . No Exceptions. Please note that NO motorized vehicles of any kind are allowed for decorative strollers, wagons, or mini floats.
Big Wheel Race: Contestants must be 4 to 5 years of age on the day of the race, must be residents of the Circleville Trading Area, and must be registered by midnight on October 17, 2022. A maximum of seventy-two (72) racers with a standby list for no-shows will participate. The Circleville Noon Rotary Club sponsors the Big Wheel Race.

Competition Float: Competition Floats are floats created/built by a Sponsoring Company or Organization for the purpose of competing for PRIZES, must represent businesses or organizations from within the Circleville Trading Area, and have a maximum length of 40 feet, the maximum height of 13 feet 6 inches, and a maximum width of 10 feet. The competition float must be entered in one of four categories which are: Class 1 – Scouts, School, Youth, Church; Class 2 – Commercial, Industrial; Class 3 – Fraternal, Civic, Festival; Class 4- Small Business, Special. Competition Floats are judged on Wednesday, October 19th at 4 PM at the Pickaway County Fairgrounds and will participate in 4 parades. Registration must be submitted by no later than NOON on Saturday, October 15th.
The Circleville Trading Area is defined by the Pumpkin Show Committee as an area within a 21-mile radius of the City of Circleville including all of Pickaway County and the following school districts: Amanda Clear Creek, Circleville City, Logan Elm Local, New Hope Christian, Teays Valley Local, Westfall Local, and Zane Trace Local.
The Window Trimming Contest opens for online registration on September 9th . Any Circleville downtown business located within the boundaries of North to Ted Lewis Drive, East to Washington Street, South to Mound Street, and West to the railroad tracks may participate. Registration must be completed no later than 5 PM on October 12th or the second Wednesday of October. The Theme for 2022 is “Pumpkins, Gourds and So Much More”. Judging will take place after 5 pm on the Thirds Monday of October which is October 17th . All windows MUST include at least ONE LIVE pumpkin.
Applications for Parade Units (not including Marching Bands) wishing to participate in one or more parades including non-competition floats may be found on the website under the section “Registrations” where a printable application is available. All Parade entries must be submitted and received no later than 6 PM on Wednesday, October 12th.
Additional details about all contests at the Circleville Pumpkin Show may be found on the website at under Registration “Rules, Regulations.”
Mark your calendar for the 115th Circleville Pumpkin Show Wednesday, October 19th through Saturday, October 22nd, 2022, the “Greatest Free Show on Earth”.