Jackson County – Jackson sheriff’s department is releasing a series of events that led up to a shooting and death of a suspect.
That statement is below:
STATEMENT FROM SHERIFF TEDD E. FRAZIER regarding 1818 Jisco West Road Incident:
After continued requests by the public and the media, I am releasing information that led to the shooting incident at 1818 Jisco West Road on January 31, 2023. This is not BCI’s final report. This information was gathered at the scene and was submitted to BCI for their investigation. As I stated previously, it has become a law enforcement best practice to request an outside agency to investigate following an officer-involved shooting. This standard has been put in place so that citizens can be reassured that the investigation is independent and transparent. That is why I requested the Bureau of Criminal Investigations to conduct this investigation and why I have not released details previously.
My request for the BCI Investigation Unit was to ensure the public that this incident was fully reviewed. I understand the community wants answers as to what led up to the incident and how the subject was shot, however, I did not want information that I released to sway investigators or witnesses. Like I have said previously, these investigations are not something that concludes overnight. As public records were requested from the media and were released, it has become necessary for my office to respond to the circumstances that led to the use of force at 1818 Jisco West Road on January 31. Following the requests, JCSO has released the initial 911 call; the Municipal Court has released the search warrant; some body camera footage has been released for the public’s view by BCI. The time has come to release details from the events of January 31 to place the records in the context of the events of that day.
At 10:26 a.m. deputies were dispatched to a trespassing complaint at 1734 Jisco West Road, Jackson, where a male was found attempting to gain access to a vehicle. The callers attempted to keep the alleged trespasser at the property while deputies responded, however the male began fleeing the property through a wooded area.It was discovered that the male may be William E. Beach Jr., 31, who was supposed to be on an ankle monitor at a residence on Columbia Street in Jackson for his pending felony trial. Upon their investigation, it was found that Beach had ties to the 1818 Jisco West Road residence. It was also discovered through the ankle monitoring bondsman that Mr. Beach failed to charge his monitoring system previously, but that he had charged it enough to be able to ping his last location on the 1818 Jisco West Road property the prior evening. His presence in the building was confirmed by two individuals living next-door, saying that they allowed Beach to stay there overnight.Deputies arrived at the 1818 Jisco West Road residence at 11:27 a.m., where they discovered Beach in a small residence. He would not come out of the residence. When looking in the windows, deputies observed a man standing behind the door with what appeared to be a long hatchet over his head. as they announced their presence and knocked on the door.
Beach had barricaded himself in the residence by piling cardboard boxes and items against the door and windows, and was refusing to surrender to law enforcement. A Probation Officer said he saw Beach with what appeared to be a handgun as well.Authorities on the scene, which included deputies, Jackson County Municipal Court Probation Officers, and Ohio State Highway Patrol negotiators made numerous attempts to communicate with Beach, which failed. They even tossed a phone into the residence in the hopes that Beach would communicate and surrender peacefully, which also failed.
Following several hours of failed negotiations and discussions on how to get Beach to surrender peacefully, plans were made to breach the door.The use of distraction devices, such as tear gas and flash bangs, were discussed, however due to the materials barricading the door, as well as what appeared to be piled in the residence, those measures were not further discussed due to the potential risk for fire. The small building had one door and two small windows and there was concern that a fire would ignite in the structure.Our goal was to get Beach to surrender on his own.
Shortly before the decision was made to breach the door, Beach claimed to have taken pills and sat what appeared to be a prescription pill bottle, on the window ledge.
Negotiators continued their attempt to get Beach out offering cigarettes, however he continued to remain barricaded and hollering out that he was not coming out. He also threw items out the window at authorities.
At approximately 1:30 p.m. a Search Warrant was issued. Since authorities on the scene observed Beach with a long hatchet and a handgun, a search warrant was issued. Beach was not supposed to be in possession of weapons as a condition of his home monitoring agreement as he awaited trial. It was also noted in the warrant that Beach was not at the location he listed in his home monitoring agreement. These factors led to the search warrant being granted by the Jackson County Municipal Court Judge.
During the negotiations, Beach did confirm that he had a gun with him.
The entry team was instructed to breach the door, then back out, so that Beach could come out peacefully. The entry team approached the residence, using a shield for protection. As a deputy used a ram to breach the door, the door opened with deputies observing Beach raising what appeared to be handgun at them. Beach was commanded to come out peacefully, however Deputies say he charged at them. In fear of being shot by Beach, a deputy fired a single shot. Beach stumbled back, losing a grip of his pistol.
The deputy, then kicked the door open further and entered the residence.
Beach remained combative towards deputies and had something in his other hand. That is when the taser was deployed. Only one of the progs was able to make partial contact with Beach, which made the taser ineffective and he continued to kick the deputy in the knees. Once the deputy was able to pin his legs down, that is when deputies saw blood on Beach’s hand, realizing that he had been shot.As soon as it was realized that Beach had been shot in the upper right torso, my deputies began administering aid to stop the bleeding and to get Beach to the hospital for treatment.
Jackson County EMS took Beach to Holzer Medical Center-Jackson where he later died.
Beach was taken to the Montgomery County Coroner’s Office for an autopsy. The results of the autopsy will be released to the BCI&I investigators and the Jackson County Coroner’s Office as soon as it is completed. BCI Crime Scene Unit and BCI Investigative Units were called to investigate and take over the scene. The deputies involved in the breach of the structure were sent back to my office to await interviews with BCI investigators.
Once the scene was turned over the BCI, the investigation became their’s and I was not going to make any comments or release information that was a part of their investigation. Any updates in the case would have to come from them. The handgun that was in Beach’s possession, appeared to be a 1911, but since BCI&I have the weapon, I cannot confirm what type of handgun it is.
The Jackson County Sheriff’s Office is committed to using force only when we have no other choice. Use of Force is used to not only protect law enforcement, but also the law-abiding citizens of Jackson County. It has been a difficult time for the family and friends of Mr. Beach, as well as my deputies involved in the incident on January 31. As we await the final report from BCI, as well as the Jackson County Coroner, I appreciate the public’s patience as this investigation is being completed. I share my appreciation to the negotiators and troopers from the Ohio State Highway Patrol, my deputies and their families, the Jackson County Municipal Court Probation Officers, Jackson Police, Jackson County EMS, Liberty Fire Department, and BCI for their quick response.