Circleville – The City of Circleville Judicial Committee met Tuesday night and part of the meeting was to hear legislation on contracting with an animal trapper for unwanted animals who have been active in the city.
Last month concerned citizen reported that she was having serious issues with raccoons in her area of the City. The resident said, “I’m here concerning raccoons terrorizing the neighborhood. They are killing all the cats and even hurting my dog. They have killed like 20 cats. We are scared to have our animals out in the yard.”
Since then several people have come forward mostly about raccoons but also other wild animals in the city.
On Tuesday the Judicial committee approved legislation that will go to the council to be approved, that would allow citizens to call Circleville Police Dispatch Center at the non-emergency line, 740-474-8888, and that dispatcher will then call the trapper who is paid on a per-animal basis. 10,000 dollars has been set aside for this contract.
Councilman Hallinin asked that the ordinance be held for three readings so that more citizens could give more info, that the ordinance specifically calls for the removal of only skunks, raccoons, groundhogs, and opossums.
Stray cats were brought up during the meeting and were a concern for several councilpersons, but is not in the ordinance.