CHILLICOTHE – PACCAR says that it will release a policy compliant with ETS by January 10, 2022 that will offer both vaccination and testing options for all of its employees including Chillicothe Kenworth.
“PACCAR respects the right of each employee to make their own personal health choices. Nevertheless, PACCAR encourages employees to get vaccinated to reduce the risk of getting and spreading the virus that causes COVID-19. Employees who choose not to be vaccinated will not need the approval to test and do not need to explain the reason for their selection,” said the company in a release.
Employees who choose the weekly testing option will be responsible for testing on their own time and at their own expense. The results of a test that is not “both self-administered and self-read” must be submitted to PACCAR each week. Employees who do not wish to submit weekly negative test results starting February 9 2022 will need to be fully vaccinated by January 26, 2022.