CIRCLEVILLE – Cody James Knight hit a parked police cruiser on South Pickaway Street Last Thursday Night. Officer Morningstar and K9 Harry who were in the Police Cruiser were unharmed.
Knight was taken into custody without further issues, and Ohio State Highway Patrol who did the field sobriety test charged Knight will failure to control, OVI, seatbelt violation, and starting and backing.
Knight this week plead guilty to failure to control and the OVI charges, and the seatbelt and starting and backing were dismissed. Knight was ordered to pay 550 dollars fine, court costs and 90 days in jail 87 of them suspended. Knight was given 12 months probation from using any mind-altering substances like alcohol or drugs. He must also pay for the damage of the Circleville Cruiser a 1000 deductible if insurance covers it, or the full cost of the damage 7,260.73.
Circleville Police department posted on the facebook group saying they received so many messages concerning Morningstar they had to give everyone an update.
Officer Morningstar’s wife Amie posted a comment on our facebook group to pray for Knight in the difficult time he is facing at the moment. She said, “As Officer Morningstar’s wife I’d like everyone to know Him and Harry are doing just fine. We are blessed and beyond thankful! We appreciate all the well wishes and prayers. Also, want to say thank you! However, we would like to ask that Mr. Knight and his family are remembered in your prayers as well. This has to be a very difficult time for them. We are happy that he was not injured in this incident! Understand that he has been going through some tough times. We ask that you, please raise him in your prayers with us and try to reframe from tearing the young man down during this troubling time in his life.”
Family members contacted the Scioto Post after the incident, and his brother Chance told us, “We had an intervention for Cody two days ago. He has been struggling with addiction for 2 years now and it was time for us to really push him to get the help he needs. He was avoiding the family for these last two days and sleeping in that car in the Wal-Mart parking lot. I talked to him less than an hour before this incident and he was talking about finding a way to get clean and he wanted to get clean. I believe in his intoxicated stupor he did this to be arrested so he could get the help he needs to get sober.”
If you need help with addiction, there are programs in town that will help you. Please reach out to Circleville Police, and they will find a way to help.