Circleville – Local Circleville Kroger workers said that they have a daily conversation about what happens next after they voted down the most recent Union offer and authorized a Union strike.
A majority rejected the most recent, “last chance offer” that the company brought to the bargaining table. The biggest hang-up is wages. The vote from the members also included the authorization for the union and its members to go on strike if a satisfactory agreement cannot be negotiated.

Approval of a strike vote doesn’t mean that Kroger employees will immediately strike, but gives the Union more bargaining power when they come back to the table for the possibility of a new offer from the company.
Local Kroger employees are represented by UFCW, who after the vote this week has asked Kroger to come back to the negotiation table, and says that the next move is for the company to make.
Kroger sent out a letter to its employees reminding them that no one wins in a strike, that associates will miss out on paychecks and possible benefits, and customers may stop shopping at Kroger and shop at other grocery stores that are, non-union, The stores could lose business and those customers may not return.
The strike vote could affect 82 stores in Ohio and 12,500 employees.
Disclaimer: I the writer of this story am a previous Union negotiator that negotiated a strike vote and Union contracts for UIW Kroger Warehouse Employees. Kroger Store employees fall under a different union. In no way is my previous employment swaying my story.