Home News Lancaster Festival Says, “We fully intend to hold the Lancaster Festival this...

Lancaster Festival Says, “We fully intend to hold the Lancaster Festival this year.”

photo from 2019 festival

LANCASTER – Today the Lancaster Festival Board of Directors announced that planning is underway for the 2021 Lancaster Festival, with adjustments being made to accommodate COVID-19 safety protocols and processes.

“We fully intend to hold the Lancaster Festival this year,” said Deb Connell, Executive Director. “We know that the Festival is not just a celebration of arts and music, but truly a celebration of our community. So, even though it will look a little different this year, we are diligently working to make the Festival happen – and we are excited for the upcoming season!”

The Festival dates will be shortened to eight days – July 24-31 and will include the Festival’s signature events held at the OUL Wendel Concert Stage in the outdoor amphitheater area and a series of live events downtown. The Lancaster Festival Orchestra under the direction of Maestro Gary Sheldon will return, but it will be smaller to accommodate safety guidelines.

“We are moving all events outside and have applied for the state’s public gathering waiver to allow us to hold our events,” said Connell, “We will be adopting crowd limitations, contactless ticketing and other safety measures based on the advice of public health officials at that time as those directives evolve.”

Featured performers and a schedule of events will be released in the coming months and more information will be released as it becomes available at www.lanfest.org.