Letter to the Editor:
Just say NO to Industrial Solar on fertile farmlands; Ohio State Representative District 12 candidate Patty Hamilton along with the Pickaway County Citizens for NO Industrial Solar on Productive Farmlands met with, and convinced Pickaway County Commissioners to pass a resolution prohibiting new Industrial Solar projects within the County. Patty spoke against Industrial Solar on farmlands in front of the Ohio Public Utilities Power Siting Board on several occasions. She did so both in Pickaway and Madison Counties. When it became apparent that our current State Representative of District 12, Brian Stewart, was refusing to assist citizens against Industrial Solar projects on farmland, and after being encouraged by these same citizens, Patty decided to run for his seat. Brian Stewart, as a Pickaway County Commissioner, was instrumental in helping to bring the first, and hopefully only, Industrial Solar Project to Pickaway County. He even touted this in a letter saying it was his final act as a commissioner.
Brian Stewart was asked numerous times by different citizens for his assistance to help stop Industrial Solar Projects. However, he flatly refused. He indicated that it was a local problem to be resolved by County Commissioners. He repeated this in front of the Madison County Central Committee Candidate Screening meeting, while knowing full well that several of the projects were “grandfathered” and local officials had no authority to stop them. He stated that the sole Industrial Solar project in Pickaway County had no opposition. He could state this since the project was done during COVID and was able to slide in virtually undetected. Support from our State Representative would have been greatly beneficial to assist in stopping the “grandfathered” projects. In the end, it was public outcry that helped stop two large Industrial Solar projects on farmland in Pickaway County.
Patty Hamilton was one of many people to write letters to the Ohio Public Utilities Power Siting Board expressing opposition. Brian Stewart did nothing with the exception of ignoring many of his constituent’s pleas for assistance. By his inaction he provided legitimacy to placing Industrial Solar on farmlands. During the same Madison County Central Committee Candidate Screening meeting, Brian Stewart was asked if he ever received campaign contributions from Industrial Solar Companies. He answered that he didn’t know where all his campaign funds come from. Interesting since he has to file a campaign finance report indicating his donors through the Ohio Secretary of State’s Office.
Patty Hamilton has received campaign donations from citizens. She has not taken donations from any corporations, businesses or special interest groups. She has solely relied on ordinary citizens to fund her grassroots campaign. She is beholding to no one, therefore her representation will not be conflicted or polluted when she votes on legislation. Her honesty and integrity are apparent and intact. I can’t say the same about her opponent.
Marian Garner