At issue here is the fundamental question of whether a major political party’s county central committee is a “public body” and subject to (RC 121.22) the Ohio Open Meetings Act? Our County Republican Central Committee has acted and will continue to act in accordance with this law and other state statutes when it comes to filling office vacancies previously held by Republicans in Pickaway County. When it has been our collective duty to fill these public offices, we have done so in a fully transparent and open fashion, providing ample notice to the local media and members of the public for their attendance. Recent examples of these “Open Meetings” were the Appointment of County Coroner, Clerk of Courts and most
recently the 2 nd Ward Circleville City Council Position.
The Ohio Supreme Court has characterized political parties as voluntary associations of persons who act together principally for party and community purposes. Approximately two years ago, members of the community group opposing solar farms in the western portion of Pickaway County requested permission to speak to our Republican Central Committee about the issue. Permission was granted to these Republican non-committee members and they
were placed on the agenda and provided a limited time to present their concerns. The public has been invited to several other “Open Meetings” over the last two years which provided valuable information on State Issues and Republican Candidates. To suggest that the County Republican Central Committee is not “OPEN” or “ACTIVE” is just flat FALSE!
Despite these FALSE meritless allegations and defamatory accusations by a contingent of both members and non-members of the Pickaway County Republican Central Committee that our political organization is NOT in compliance with Ohio Law or our own Local Bylaws, a 60% majority of Central Committee Membership voted to continue conducting internal party affairs and business in meetings for members of the party ONLY and invited guests.
If we were to open all meetings of the Republican Central Committee, any individual could walk in off the streets and demand our financial, strategic campaign and other internal party information and business on a regular basis. I and the majority of our Central Committee are just not willing to risk that and disclose our past and continued successes!
Michael Whitten, Chairman
Pickaway County Republican Central Committee