Home News Light on Pickaway Street Intersection to be Removed

Light on Pickaway Street Intersection to be Removed


CIRCLEVILLE – A light in Circleville has been set to blink until it can be removed at the intersection of Watt and Pickaway Street.

According to Circleville Council, the decision was made by City Administration ahead of the bridge construction on North Court Street. Several city council members were concerned with the removal and questioned Service director Jim Stanley at tonight’s meeting.

Both Caryn Koch-Esterline – Councilperson 2nd Ward, and Tom Duvall – Councilperson-At-Large brought up concerns with a four-way stop vs a light.

“I have had a lot of people approach me, that are very concerned because of walking traffic in that area, said Koch-Esterline, “In the spring the business on the corner sets tables outside and are concerned about the traffic pattern.”

Service director Jim Stanley explained to concerned council members that four-way stops are actually safer than traffic lights.

“Four-way stops are about the safest crossings for pedestrians, it requires all vehicles in all directions to come to a stop. Now it’s not the most efficient intersection but on a low traffic count it can operate more efficiently than a traffic light.”

This area will see more traffic in the coming months when North Court street traffic is diverted to Pickaway street in the Pleasant street High street areas due to the Hargust Creek bridge replacement. More in this here: https://www.sciotopost.com/video-odot-plans-to-replace-almost-100-year-old-hargus-creek-bridge-in-circleville-soon/