PICKAWAY – You may have noticed last week a grocery bag was delivered to your house by the US Post office, the bag asked you to, “fill a bag and help feed families.”
Those bags are part of a nationwide Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive scheduled for Saturday, May 14. With the help of sponsors, volunteer organizations, and U.S. Postal Service employees in 10,000 communities nationwide, the National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC) conducts its 30th annual Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive on Saturday, May 14. Stamp Out Hunger is the nation’s largest single-day food drive.

Making a donation is easy. Customers should leave their non-perishable food donations in a bag near their mailbox on Saturday, May 14, before their letter carrier arrives. Food collected during Saturday’s drive will be delivered to local community churches, food banks, and food pantries for distribution.
Pickaway Office dropped the donations off at the PICCA building at 469 E Ohio street and they will go to the Emergency Clearinghouse Food Pantry at the same location.

According to the local postal carrier, “we filled up 3 of the big Promaster postal vans filled to the top and had their whole dock covered and stacked a couple of feet high, probably the most food our office has ever collected doing the food drive by miles.”
“It’s truly a great cause that the local community and the postal service can team up together once a year to try to help cut out local hunger within the city for local families and individuals who are in need!”
In total, an estimate of around 3000+ items was collected it consisting of Canned vegetables, soups, fruits, cereals, Mac & cheese, sauces, noodles, etc.