CIRCLEVILLE – Whoever said there is no power in social media was wrong, this week that was proven again when a local man went to twitter to complain about signage that had been missing from a local store for months.
In November high winds damaged the sign at the Dollar General on the corner of Main and Lancaster pike, and four months later the signage still wasn’t replaced.
Aggravated with the negative look this had on the city Colin Hedges took to twitter tagging them in his post calling out the missing sign.
“Hey Dollar General any plans on fixing this eyesore in Circleville Ohio,” Colin Said,”Its been this way since fall when it blew away, please have some pride in the communities you do business in and get this fixed.”
The same day Corporate Dollar General reached out to Colins post thanking him for bringing this situation to their attention.
Shortly after that February exchange Dollar General has replaced the sign. Amazing what power social media has.