CIRCLEVILLE – This holiday season The United Postal Service claims to deliver over 15 million pieces of mail and over 850 million packages. Because of more online shippers like Amazon, Ebay, and most larger box chain companies are now offering home delivery. USPS also said in December they also deliver mail 7 days a week, when normally Sundays are a off day. In some cities USPS will be delivering mail on Christmas day.
I Cornered my local USPS driver as he was making deliveries to my street. I had noticed he was running about 3-4 hours behind. Normally he doesn’t deliver in the dark i figured he had a good story to tell.
Trent Mullins said, “Ive worked for the United States Post Office for 26 years biggest I’ve ever seen it, business is good for us here. We are not behind packages are on time. We are putting in the extra hours to make sure deliveries here in Circleville make it to their destinations on time.”