Home News Logan OH- LPD Releases Statement Regarding Peaceful Assembly Requested

Logan OH- LPD Releases Statement Regarding Peaceful Assembly Requested


Logan OH- The Logan Police Department took to social media with their statement regarding the request for a peaceful assembly regarding issues at Worthington Park.

Here is the quoted statement:


“Recently, a group of youth from our community approached the city administration requesting to hold a peaceful gathering concerning social issues at Worthington Park this upcoming week. These individuals were polite, respectful, and did not request any special accommodations for the gathering.
However, In the last 24 hours, social media rumors and misinformation has transformed a simple peaceful assembly into the false belief that this will result into some sort of violent protest. The Logan Police Department wants to clarify that this is a group from our community wanting to exercise their rights to peacefully assemble and share their views. The Logan Police Department not only protects those rights, but encourages them when done in this manner.
We are asking anyone who wants to attend this gathering to be polite, courteous and supportive of these young adults who are exercising these rights we all share, even if you may not agree with their specific views.
Logan is a close knit community, there is always room for the differing opinions.We should encourage and promote the ability to exchange ideas and interact peacefully.
To everyone in this community planning to attend, set the standard for civility during discourse, show the rest of the country how this can be accomplished.”