CIRCLEVILLE – A fire ripped through two homes on Logan Street in December of 2017, since then not much has been done to those properties. Neighbors have complained to the city and Mayor for months about the smell and issues surrounding the abandon homes.
Today finally something has been done with both properties. The property at 129 Logan Street has now been complete demolished and construction by Dun by “US” Construction will be starting to build a completely new home for the owners Paul and Maria Buris. The Buris own several rental homes in the area.
The construction owner said it will take about 14 loads to complete remove the burn home from the site and overall cost of the tear down was about 16,000 dollars. The rebuild and tear down are all from insurance monies from the original fire.
Next door property 127 Logan street is a completely different story, sadly the homeowners did not have insurance on that property and sold their home for a loss recently for around 6-7 thousand dollars. No news on when that property will be torn down.
The construction owner said he was the one to contact the owners about the condition of the home and talked them into doing something by mentioning articles done by Sciotopost and the mayor.
Original story here: