Home News LOOK UP! Space Station will be Viewable for Seven Minutes Tonight in...

LOOK UP! Space Station will be Viewable for Seven Minutes Tonight in Ohio Skies


OHIO – Ohio Sky’s will have a good view on the space station tonight, with clear skies and nice weather plus being able to view for over 7 minutes seeing the space station travel overhead will be a delight.

According to NASA You will see the ISS travel over the Ohio Southern Area on Sat Mar 20, 8:39 PM it will travel seven minutes across Ohio skies.

It will first be seen 10° above West/ South West Skies and will travel to 11° above North East

Chances are high of seeing this tonight, with clear skies and great temperatures best thing to do is find an area that doesn’t have a lot of light pollution, get outside and get your eyes used to the darkness so you can really see well when you look up.

No worries if you miss it, tomorrow night we have another opportunity to see it again for a shorter window.

Sun Mar 21, 9:30 PM4 min22°10° above WNW16° above NNE