Chillicothe, Ohio (February 20, 2024) – On February 19th, officers responded to a call for service at a business on the 200 block of South Paint Street regarding a naked male inside the restroom.
According to the report Johnson kept talking to himself and was trying to carry a conversation with a female. I asked him several times who the female was and he stated, “She can hear me”. He then kept talking about the FBI, CIA, and other
things that did not make sense. Johnson stated he ingested Methamphetamines yesterday. His pupils were constricted and he could not focus on anything he was doing, and could not answer simple questions. Matthew engaged in conduct which created a risk of physical harm to himself or others, or to the property of another.
Upon arrival, officers located the suspect, who was subsequently trespassed from the premises and arrested for Disorderly Conduct by Intoxication. He was then transported to the Ross County Jail.
Matthew Johnson was arrested and charged with disorderly conduct intoxication creating risk or harm