Home News Man Uses Roman Candle to Remove Hornet Nest From Home Sets House...

Man Uses Roman Candle to Remove Hornet Nest From Home Sets House on Fire


MASS – A massachusetts man started a fire after trying to deal with some pests that had been bugging him for several weeks.

Dave Schmida says that the hornets nest was out of reach, he had already tried several other methods including Hornet and Wasp Spray, but they didn’t work so the man came up with the idea to explode the nest using a roman candle.

What Schmida didn’t know is that Wasp Spray is flammable by itself and the combo of a paper-like wasp nest and a flammable liquid had some unexpected results for him.

The house wasn’t severely damaged according to Schida who put out the fire from a second story window. He said that it was only a few boards that were damaged but the nest was destroyed in the process.