PICKAWAY – BOX65 Scene Support Unit is an all Volunteers unit. That supports the first responders in Pickaway and adjoining Counties during times of emergencies.
The department funds itself with donations, fish fries, and other charity events. Their purpose, to assist first responder agencies to help support long-term on-scene deployment, so first responders can be more effective in their jobs.
This year the unit reported a record-breaking year with 59 runs total runs. Pickaway = 35 Ross = 10 Fayette =9 Fairfield =5.

The unit sets up at structure fires, emergency situations, and volunteer events to help assist.
Box65 started in 2010 in that time and have responded to 317 calls put in 12,321 hours all volunteer.
A video that explains Box 65 and a breakdown of what they do is here: https://fb.watch/agbUYSA4nI/
If you would like to contribute:
ITEMS CAN BE DROPPED OFF AT IN FAYETTE COUNTYWashington Courthouse Fire215 E Market St, Washington Court House, OH 43160IN
PICKAWAY COUNTY Circleville Fire Dept. 586 N Court St, Circleville, OH 43113 Harrison Township Fire Dept. 3625 OH-752, Ashville, OH 43103 Scioto Twp. Fire Department 25 Harsh Alley, Commercial Point, OH 43116 Pickaway County Emergency Management160 Island Rd. Circleville, OH 43113Or call (614) 206-0773
CASH DONATIONS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME BOX 65 IS A 501 (c) 3 NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONMail to care of BOX65 at P.O. Box65 Circleville, Ohio 43113
“This year we like to Thank The 100 + women of Pickaway County you are making some of our projects come true.McDonald’s, Lindsey’s Bakery, Zanis”