North Pole – The Department of Christmas Affairs uses the Global Behaviour Tracking Network and data mining technology to determine who will be in good favour come Christmas.
You can scroll through the names to see if you have been naughty or nice, there is a huge database, and if you happen to no be able to find your name you can submit it.
If you feel that you need your naughty status reviewed? You have one last chance before the big guy shows up.
“If you have found your name on the naughty list and would like to dispute the result, being a really good person between now and Christmas is a fast track alternative to the behavioural review system. Good deeds and genuine niceties will be detected by the Department’s Global Behaviour Tracking Network and good vibes will be sent directly to the North Pole Records Centre.
To get on the nice list fast, you need to act fast. The time frames for good behaviour adjudication are short and unforgiving.
As a result, it is extremely important that you notify the Department of Christmas Affairs as soon as you can if you believe your results are incorrect. If possible, get in touch before Christmas Day so that we can make sure your records are updated before Santa’s visit.”
You can check the list here: