CIRCLEVILLE – At the corner of Pickaway and East High Street stands an 8 foot tall square snowman. Created by John “Dink” Weaver PR coordinator of the Girl Scouts for the Logan Valley district.
“Ive had people ask me to make them one. Its not a cheap build, it cost me about 250 dollars. I started with the present boxes and then moved onto the larger project square snowman last year. Anyone can go the store and buy something i wanted something unique, said Weaver.
“The family has a few names for the snowman Frosty the Square Snowman and Q-bert. We had a anonymous person stop here and leave us a card thanking us for decorating for the season. That really touched us, i don’t know who did it but it made it worthwhile. I started decorating because of my daughter RyAnn Weaver. Next project is possibly a igloo and penguin, said Weaver.
Weaver also explained,”the square snowman is made from PVC pipe, laundry bags and 1000 twinkle lights. “I wanted to have materials that would be ok in the weather. The hat actually has mesh black window screen. It took several days to complete, i sketched it out first. Then went shopping, the three way elbows are the hardest thing to find.”
“We go to the Milk Jug House set up every year. That creativity is what inspired me to do this. I feel that doing this gives back to the community.”
It is pickaway and east high street
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