Home News ODNR- 2020 Spring Turkey Season Still ON

ODNR- 2020 Spring Turkey Season Still ON


Ohio- We reached out to the Ohio Division of Natural Resources (ODNR) and asked some questions for our hunting and fishing readers in the thick of this COVID-19 situation.

Scioto Post- How will the current situation with many different places closing, like parks and recreational areas affect fishing season ?

ODNR- Fishing is an outdoor activity and is allowed as long as it otherwise complies with the governor’s stay-at-home orders and social distancing guidance.

Scioto Post- How much if anything will change with spring turkey season ?

ODNR- There are no plans currently to cancel turkey season. Hunters can check in their birds over their phones or online.  

Turkey hunting is something you do alone, or with 1-2 other people at the most, and maintaining 6 feet of space is very doable.