Home News ODNR is Asking for Wildlife Reports on Turkey and Grouse Heres How...

ODNR is Asking for Wildlife Reports on Turkey and Grouse Heres How to Help


OHIO – Ohio biologies track all kinds of wildlife in the state to give accurate reports for hunting or endangerment efforts. The Division is asking for your help in this cause, currently asking for reports on wild turkey’s and ruffed grouse both are well known and iconic game birds from Ohio.

Every year ODNR uses reports like this to estimate the population grown of these species, this helps the Division to predict future populations and guide turkey and grouse management in our state.

Reports can be made during June, July, and August online via the Wildlife Species Sighting Report here: wildohio.gov/reportwildlife

You can help Ohio biologists track a number of different species, including black bear, bobcat, river otter, ruffed grouse, turkey, and more. Citizen scientists can include photographs or videos with their report, and latitude and longitude coordinates to help wildlife biologists quickly verify the sighting. Remember to always view wildlife from a respectful distance for your safety as well as the safety of the animal. Thank you for helping us conserve YOUR Wild Ohio.