COLUMBUS, Ohio – The Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) participated in another successful Operation Dry Water weekend by increasing law enforcement patrol and promoting sober boating over the Fourth of July holiday weekend.
Increased patrols on Ohio waters led to a safe holiday weekend. ODNR’s 85 officers working this weekend issued 37 boating citations and 447 safety warnings.
“Our participation in Operation Dry Water has proven to be an excellent way to promote safe boating,” said ODNR Director Mary Mertz. “Our officers were out there making sure everyone was taking the proper precautions- from life jackets to avoiding alcohol – and making sure state waters were safe for the busy holiday weekend.”
Operation Dry Water (ODW) Across is a national boating under the influence awareness campaign from the National Safe Boating Council. It encourages boaters to be aware of the dangers of alcohol and boating. Boating Under the Influence (BUI) is the leading cause of injuries and fatalities on the nation’s waterways. For further information on national patrol and up-to-date statistics regarding boating use click here.
The ODNR Division of Parks and Watercraft provides exceptional outdoor recreation and boating opportunities by balancing outstanding customer service, education, and conservation of Ohio’s 75 state parks and waterways.