Home News Ohio Department of Transportation Allows Food Trucks At State Rest Areas For...

Ohio Department of Transportation Allows Food Trucks At State Rest Areas For Truckers and Travelers


OHIO – Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) is allowing Food Truck Vendors to open up at the 86 rest areas that are on Ohio’s Freeways.

According to a new permit that will temporary allow this as an answer to no vending-machine access and some drive-thru’s not being able to serve truckers.

Dewine said during today press conference, “Truck drivers are the lifeblood of the economy and their jobs have never been more critical than now. I’ve heard from many in the trucking industry that finding a place to eat while they’re on the road has been tough, but we’re here to help.”

Normally Federal regulations prohibit commercial activity at rest areas but a understanding with ODOT they say they will be suspending enforcement on those regulations.

ODOT has an available permit for food truck vendors to download and fill out available on the website here: https://transportation.ohio.gov/wps/portal/gov/odot/traveling/rest-areas/rest-area-food-truck-temp-permit?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery

Food vendors are not allowed to sell packaged snacks or drinks