Home News Ohio Legislators Unveil New Bill to Enhance Name, Image, and Likeness (NIL)...

Ohio Legislators Unveil New Bill to Enhance Name, Image, and Likeness (NIL) Regulations


Columbus, OH — State Representatives Adam Mathews (R-Lebanon) and Jay Edwards (R-Nelsonville) announced new legislation today aimed at updating Ohio’s Name, Image, and Likeness (NIL) law. The proposed bill seeks to ensure that student athletes are fairly compensated by improving the relationship between NIL Collectives and state universities.

During a press conference, Mathews emphasized the bill’s importance, stating, “Our flagship universities compete to recruit the best athletes in the country. This bill enables our students to benefit from coordinated efforts between their schools and organizations, providing them with the best legal guidance and opportunities to thrive both on and off the field.”

Edwards added, “Our goal is to keep Ohio’s student athletes and universities competitive in the rapidly evolving NIL landscape. This legislation is a crucial step towards achieving that.”

The bill, which is expected to receive a number and committee assignment soon, will facilitate a more direct involvement of universities in the NIL compensation process, ensuring that student athletes are supported by both their institutions and external collectives.