ZANESVILLE – Ohio Potato Chip company Conns says that they want to go on record and dispel some rumors that have floated around the internet about the company.
According to a Facebook press release the President and CO-owner Jonathan George he went on record to, “dismiss and correct some of the false rumors that have been spread and/or posted on social media over the past few weeks.”
The President said that they are not going out of business, closing or moving the company to a new location. On the other hand they are celebrating 85 years in business and continue to grow and manufacture Ohio proud products.
“Even in these economically turbulent times our Conn’s brand is strong and growing. As always, we are dedicated to manufacturing our products with premium ingredients, excellent service, and competitive prices.”
Jonathan George said that rumors also said something about the oil quality they use to manufacture their chips, “our oil is a premium oil and is extremely expensive, with our cost doubling in just the past year. We have remained dedicated to only using premium ingredients.”
Conns only production facility that produces all the chips you see in Ohio and outside is in Zanesville Ohio. The company also has several distribution centers in Ohio that move the product from production to storefront.