US – Sales Tax Holiday Tax Ohio will have a sales tax holiday from Friday, Aug. 4 to Aug. 6,
During the holiday, the following items are exempt from sales and use tax: An item of clothing priced at $75 or less; An item of school supplies priced at $20 or less; and An item of school instructional material priced at $20 or less. Items used in a trade or business are not exempt under the sales tax holiday.
Clothing including shirts, blouses, sweaters, pants, shorts, skirts, dresses, athletic and non-athletic uniforms, shoes, shoes laces and more qualify under the tax-free holiday, according to the Ohio Department of Taxation.
“school supplies” include only the following items: binders; book bags; calculators; cellophane tape; blackboard chalk; compasses; composition books; crayons; erasers; folders (expandable, pocket, plastic, and manila); glue, paste, and paste sticks; highlighters; index cards; index card boxes; legal pads; lunch boxes; markers; notebooks; paper; loose leaf ruled notebook paper, copy paper, graph paper, tracing paper, manila paper, colored paper, poster board, and construction paper; pencil boxes and other school supply boxes; pencil sharpeners; pencils; pens; protractors; rulers; scissors; and writing tablets.
“School instructional material” includes: reference books, reference maps and globes, textbooks, and workbooks.
For more information regarding the sales tax holiday, please refer to the Department’s Sales Tax Holiday Frequently Asked Questions available on the Department’s website here – https://tax.ohio.gov/…/sales-and-use-tax-sales…/sales and-use-tax-sales-tax-holiday.