Home News Ohio Transportation Says Rest Areas Open for Truckers

Ohio Transportation Says Rest Areas Open for Truckers


OHIO – Ohio Department of Transportation says that it is open to travelers and Truckers just make sure you wash your hands, but this is not the case in some state that have closed rest areas to public.

Earlier this week some states like Pennsylvania and California closed and some barricaded their rest areas. This caused a uproar in the Trucking industry on safe travel and the 1994 FAA law stipulates state and local governments may not enact or enforce laws or provisions that have the force and effect of law concerning price, route or service of motor carriers transporting property.

Some states mandate truckers have a 30-minute meal break per five hour period and rest after ten hours of drive time. U.S.DOT attorneys said closing of these rest areas was unlawful and dangerous for the trucking industry.

Some states have reopened facilities after the complaint, some are only opening parking lots but not facilities.

Ohio says that they have the staffing to clean the bathrooms and keep them open for truckers.

“Ohio Department of Transportation says to limit travel but for those who cannot, like truckers, our rest areas remain open. We’re doing more frequent cleaning and sanitizing to combat the spread of COVID-19. We’ve also posted signs reminding visitors to wash their hands.”

If you do have to travel realize that some states like Pennsylvania at this time have limited rest area access, but Ohios will be open.