COLUMBUS, OHIO (Sept. 15, 2022) – The Ohio Power Siting Board (OPSB) today approved an application filed by Dodson Creek Solar, LLC to construct a solar‑powered electric generating facility in Highland County.
The 117 megawatt (MW) Dodson Creek Solar facility will occupy 1,103 acres within a 1,429-acre project area in Dodson and Hamer townships in Highland County. The facility will consist of arrays of photovoltaic modules, commonly referred to as solar panels, as well as associated facilities including access roads, an operations and maintenance facility, electric collection lines, a substation and transmission line, and weather stations. To alleviate aesthetic concerns regarding project perimeter fencing, the OPSB will require Dodson Creek Solar to utilize fencing free of chain link and barbed wire that is both small-wildlife permeable and aesthetically fitting for the rural setting of the project.

In other business, the OPSB approved a request filed by Union Ridge Solar, LLC seeking the option to use a fixed-tilt solar panel array in addition to the single-axis tracking array approved for its solar facility in Licking County. The OPSB also approved a request made by Duke Energy Ohio to adjust the route of its Bethel-Batavia natural gas pipeline project in Clermont County. The adjustments are at the request of property owners or the result of detailed advanced engineering.
Additional information about today’s OPSB decisions is available at Copies of today’s opinions and orders will be available in case numbers 20-0814-EL-BGN (Dodson Creek Solar), 22-0471-EL-BGA (Union Ridge Solar), and 22-0023-GA-BTA (Bethel-Batavia pipeline). A recorded webcast of today’s OPSB meeting is available on the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio’s YouTube channel at