COLUMBUS, OHIO (March 18, 2021) – The Ohio Power Siting Board (OPSB) today approved applications filed by Big Plain Solar, LLC (Big Plain) and Hecate Energy Highland 4, LLC (Hecate) to construct solar‑powered generating facilities in Madison and Highland counties, respectively.
Big Plain’s Madison Solar Project is a 196 megawatt (MW) facility located in Fairfield and Oak Run townships in Madison County. The project will occupy approximately 1,200 acres within a 2,438-acre project area.
Hecate’s New Market Solar I Project is a 65 MW facility located in Clay and Whiteoak townships in Highland County. The project will occupy approximately 824 acres within a 1,114-acre project area. Hecate’s request for certification of the 35 MW New Market Solar II Project was not addressed by the OPSB.
Both projects will consist of large arrays of ground-mounted photovoltaic modules, commonly referred to as solar panels, mounted on tracking systems that will rotate to track the sun. The projects include associated facilities such as access roads, electric collection lines, inverters and transformers, and substations.