Forty-six local health departments and municipalities across 41 Ohio counties are receiving $816,000 in grants from Ohio EPA for mosquito control activities, including $127,000 to remove scrap tires, which can become breeding grounds for mosquito larvae. The funding will help mitigate the spread of mosquito-borne viruses such as Zika, West Nile, and La Cross Encephalitis.
Pickaway County Health District Pickaway County $25,000.00, and Ross County Health District Ross County $25,000.00,
Mosquito control grants specifically target:
- mosquito surveillance
- larval control
- adult mosquito control, such as spraying where mosquito presence poses a risk to public health
- community outreach
- breeding source reduction, including trash or tire removal
Grants are being issued in collaboration with the Ohio Department of Health’s larger effort to mitigate the potential for an outbreak of mosquito-borne viruses. Over the last seven years, Ohio EPA and the Ohio Department of Health have awarded $7.5 million to local health departments and communities for mosquito control programs.