Pickaway County – Common pleas information for the week of 5/18/23
Senequa S. Barnes 37 Millbank Rd.,
Columbus, OH
Possession of Marijuana, Illegal
Conveyance of Drugs onto the
Grounds of a Detention Facility
Plead Not Guilty Pretrial 6/9
Andrew L. Barstow 32 Zimmerman Rd.,
Albany, OH
Possession of Cocaine Guilty 3-4 ½ years in prison
Michael L. Bostic 36 Simmons Rd.,
Chillicothe, OH
Grand Theft of a Motor Vehicle Plead Not Guilty Pretrial 6/9
Timothy W. Buckner 23 Pike St., Laurelville,
Burglary Guilty 36 months in prison, $8,940.00 restitution
David A. Elswick, Jr. 38 Beatte Rd., Grove
City, OH
Felony OMVI Guilty PSI ordered
Timothy A. Francis, Jr. 37 Black Hoof St.,
Circleville, OH
Nonsupport of Dependents (x2) Guilty 36 months in prison (suspended), 3 years community control
Nicole M. Henderson 45 Charleston Way,
Westerville, OH
Illegal Conveyance of Drugs onto
the Grounds of a Detention
Plead Not Guilty Pretrial 6/9
Harvey C. Horn 43 B Ave., Columbus, OH
Breaking & Entering, Theft,
Criminal Damaging
Plead Not Guilty Pretrial 6/9
Eric T. Pettiford 39 Westfall Rd.,
Chillicothe, OH
Aggravated Possession of Drugs,
Tampering with Evidence
Guilty 4 ½ – 6 years in prison
Shannon L. Speakman 45 E. Mill St., Circleville,
Aggravated Trafficking in Drugs,
Trafficking in Cocaine
Guilty 39 months in prison
Sarah Ann Weaver 29 Meadow Dr.,
Circleville, OH
Felonious Assault, Making a
Terroristic Threat
Plead Not Guilty Pretrial 6/9
Joshua D. Young 40 Kingston Pike,
Circleville, OH
Nonsupport of Dependents Plead Not Guilty Pretrial 6/9
CBCF – Community Based Correctional Facility
ODL – Ohio Driver’s License
PSI – Presentence Investigation
All Pretrials are scheduled for 1:00 p.m.