Pickaway County 4-H will hold their annual Open House event from 6:00-7:30pm on Tuesday, November 15, 2022. The event will take place in Heritage Hall at the Pickaway County Fairgrounds at 415 Lancaster Pike, Circleville. The evening will include current 4-H members demonstrating their projects as well as 4-H volunteers present to answer questions.
Attendees will have the opportunity to talk to current members, explore what 4-H has to offer, take a look at project books, and find a 4-H club in their area. Joy Sharp, Extension Educator, 4-H Youth Development, describes 4-H as a “learning by doing” organization with the purpose of developing youth to their greatest potential with the motto “to make the best better.” Ohio 4-H programs are designed to engage youth in healthy
learning experiences, thus increasing self-esteem and problem-solving skills. A wide range of content offerings encourages youth to explore science, technology, health, leadership, and citizenship. Sharp said although 4-H is most often recognized for its livestock projects and participation in the county fair, Ohio 4-H offers 200 different projects related to the needs of
people living in a complex society.
For more than 100 years The Ohio State University has been home to the largest out-of- school, educational program in the United States with over 7 million young people participating last year. This program, known as 4-H, was first developed in 1902 by A.B. Graham, Superintendent of Clark County Schools in Springfield, Ohio. Since those early days, 4-H has
grown to include rural, suburban, and urban youth.
The Pickaway County 4-H program currently reaches nearly 800 youth. Clubs are forming this fall. For more information about the 4-H program, please attend the open house event, contact the Pickaway County Ohio State University Extension office at 740-474-7534 or visit their website at www.pickway.osu.edu .