Pickaway County – Cases that were heard in Pickaway County Common Pleas this week.
Corey Blue 47 W. Main St., Ashville, OH
Felonious Assault G (Jury
Verdict) 4-6 years in prison
Drake J. Boggs 27 S. Pickaway St., Circleville, OH
Felonious Assault (x2),
Aggravated Menacing, Using
Weapons While Intoxicated
Plead Not Guilty Pretrial 1/13/23
Dustin C. Bruce 30 Cromley St., Ashville, OH
Violation of Community Control G Community Control increased to
5 years. Also ordered to
successfully complete Drug
Melinda J. Fowler 39 U.S. 23 S.,
Circleville, OH
Possession of Cocaine,
Possession of Fentanyl-Related
G 24 months in prison
Allen A. Francis 31 Pickaway County Jail Failure to Appear Plead Not Guilty Pretrial 1/13/23
Ashley T. George 30 Spokane St., Detroit,
Possession of Cocaine,
Possession of Fentanyl
G PSI ordered
Jacob R. Hammon 24 Hunters Woods Rd.,
Logan, OH
Grand Theft of a Motor Vehicle,
Breaking and Entering
G 3 years Intervention
Anthony W. Hostetler 34 N. High St., Chillicothe OH
Trafficking in Cocaine G 4-6 years in prison
Troy D. Ladd, Jr. 28 Renick Ave.,
Circleville, OH
Improperly Discharging a
Firearm At or Into a Habitation
Plead Not Guilty Pretrial 1/13/23
Anita D. Leach 49 U.S. Rt. 50,
McArthur, OH
Aggravated Possession of Drugs G 12 months in prison (suspended), 3 years community control
Elisa K. Leasure 49 S. Scioto St., Circleville, OH
Aggravated Trafficking in Drugs
(x2), Aggravated Possession of
Drugs (x2)
Plead Not Guilty Pretrial 1/1/3/23
Michael D. Linek Ashville, OH OMVI, Aggravated Vehicular Homicide Plead Not Guilty Pretrial 1/13/23
Chajoh A. Martin 48 Belmont Correctional
Tampering with Evidence G 9 months in prison
Christopher N. Mercer 38 Ett Noecker Rd., Ashville, OH
Nonsupport of Dependents G 18 months in prison (suspended), 5 years community control
Robert A. Rogers, Jr. 24 Muffin Way, Columbus, OH
Possession of Fentanyl,
Improperly Handling Firearms in
a Motor Vehicle
G PSI ordered
Cheikh I. Sarr 22 Lafayette Ct., Columbus, OH
Failure to Comply with an Order
or Signal of a Police Officer
G PSI ordered
Ronald L. Shamblin, Jr. 51 Pickaway County Jail
Failure to Appear Plead Not Guilty Pretrial 1/13/23
Brandon Stage 23 Era Rd., Mt. Sterling, OH
Violation of Community Control G Complete Counseling Center at
Portsmouth, OH
Brien E. Turner 28 Ganson Dr., Columbus, OH
Failure to Comply with an Order
or Signal of a Police Officer
G PSI ordered
Kenny P. Young 42 S.R. 56 E., Circleville, OH
Aggravated Possession of Drugs,
Aggravated Trafficking in Drugs
Plead Not Guilty Pretrial 1/13/23
CBCF – Community Based Correctional Facility
ODL – Ohio Driver’s License
PSI – Presentence Investigation
All Pretrials are scheduled for 1:00 p.m.