Pickaway County – Cases that have been processed through Pickaway Common Pleas for the week of 4/27/23
Nathan D. Buskirk 41 Dunmore Rd.,
Circleville, OH
Felony Fleeing & Eluding G 36 months in prison, 10 year ODL suspension
Falilou Ciss 43 Colby Ave.,
Columbus, OH
Felony OVMI Plead Not Guilty Pretrial 5/12
Jessica L. Hamilton 32 Evanston Rd.,
Circleville, OH
Theft, Identity Fraud Plead Not Guilty Pretrial 5/12
Kyler M. Hensley 21 Basswood Rd.,
Columbus, OH
Felony Fleeing & Eluding,
Possession of Drugs,
Misdemeanor OVMI
G 26 months in prison, 10 year
ODL suspension
Joshua C. Kim 36 Smith-Hulse Rd.,
Circleville, OH
Receiving Stolen Property G 9 months in prison
Dawn Y. Ramsey 49 East 20 th Ave.,
Columbus, OH
Illegal Conveyance of Drugs onto
the Grounds of a Detention
G PSI ordered