PICKAWAY – Pickaway county health department has reported another record high day of Covid-19 virus active positive cases within the county.
Pickaway county started to rise in COVID-19 cases in the beginning of October with around 40 cases, just about the highest number of cases that Pickaway county had seen since the pandemic started.
Over the next few weeks community spread has increased that number to 215 today November 4th. Another significant factor is we have had four deaths from COVID-19 in the last week.
706 people have recovered from COVID-19 within Pickaway county with a total case count of 933 since march.
More than 4,000 new #COVID19 cases in Ohio have been reported in the past 24 hours in Ohio. Hospitalizations have increased by 186 admissions and 55 more people have died.

Governor Dewine expressed concern over new daily numbers and warned of travel advisories in South Dakota, Iowa, Kansas, Idaho, Wyoming, Alabama, Montana.
Most of Pickaway’s surrounding counites have turned red due to increases in cases, Dewine may turn Pickaway red soon if cases continue to rise.