Home News Pickaway County First Responders/PICCA Food Drive a Success

Pickaway County First Responders/PICCA Food Drive a Success


PICKAWAY – Pickaway First responders with partnership with PICCA were successful last Saturday in a food drive event that was aimed to help assist locals during hardships.

The food event collected 60 boxed of non-perishable food, and 620 dollars in food donations for PICCA.

PICCA said that they have taken the food back to their facility and will store it. The food will be distributed to people in direct need of the items. “Sometimes people come in asking for assistance with other services and we are able to directly give them food if they need it at that time. Some will be distributed with our fresh food distribution on Thursdays, and some will be sent to area food pantries to assist there also.”

South Bloomfield, OSP, Pickaway Sheriff, and Harrison Township Fire were part of the food drive, along with PICCA.