Pickaway County – A man who claimed that he was not guilty due to an insanity plea has been found to be competent to stand trial for his crimes.
A man was held at gunpoint after being found inside a home on Febaury
According to the Pickaway County Sheriff’s office, they were called to the scene of an alarm drop in the 10000 block of US62. While en route a man called 911 and said that he had a person detained at gunpoint that was found inside a property in question.
When Deputies arrived they found a man that was pointing a gun at a suspect identified as 49-year-old Dale Clayborn. Clayborn was detained and questioned on why he was on the property. During the conversation, Dale said that he did break into the property by using a stature he found and throwing it through the window to gain access. He said he did it because “a demon was inside his home so he came here to stay.”
Deputies searched the room that was broken into and found that the suspect had gained entry and placed a pack of cigarettes by the bed, along with broken glass and blood from injuries Dale sustained during the break-in.
Dale was arrested and charged with two counts of burglary and two counts of criminal damaging. He is currently housed at the Pickaway County jail. No charges were issued to the person who held the man at gunpoint
The man who plead not guilty for reason of insanity will now be reinserted into the court system and a court date of November 16, 2023 has been filed.