CIRCLEVILLE – Pickaway county Homeless coalition is meeting with the Building and zoning committee on a homeless shelter that would consist of several tiny pole barns to directly help local homeless in the area. The new organization called Transition through Hope plans on creating this one-stop-shop for needy individuals in the area.
In January of 2019 an almost 100% increase of Homeless in the Pickaway County area increased according to a point in time county study from 37 individuals in 2018 to 63 in 2019.
Pickaway County Homeless coalition a non-profit organization has been meeting since December of 2019 with the goal to, ” be a safe, temporary, transitional hosing alternative and resource center for the homeless and those are at risk of becoming homeless, in Circleville and Pickaway county, including men, women, children, and veterans; we will work with local government and social service agencies to facilitate the connection of individuals to the necessary supportive services, that are critical to housing and community reentry.”

The compound plans to be an organization that, “aims to be a life restoration center.” and not just what people think as a homeless shelter. The goal is to offer one stop shop services at the complex and help transition people back into work, home, and stabilization.
The new facility that has plans to be built at 1369 North Court Street, around the area of Elsea Mobile Home Village and Walnut creek pike. The coalition is meeting with the BZA in hopes to change the General Business zoning to allow for this residential complex.

If passed this housing facility would be a 24 hour 7 day a week housing for men, women, with children and families. No other facility in Pickaway county offers this.
The facility would offer, safe and secure housing with adequate hygiene facilities, including showers. Three meals a day, on site case management, assistance with counseling, court advocacy, assistance with child reunification, employment assistance, budget and goal setting, and help with finding long term housing. The facility has a 8 month or less program to help people move from streets to home.