Home News Pickaway County Man Attempts to Flee on Bike after Theft at Walmart

Pickaway County Man Attempts to Flee on Bike after Theft at Walmart


Pickaway County, OH — A Pickaway County man was arrested on July 31, 2024, after being caught trespassing and stealing from Walmart, leading to a dramatic chase and subsequent apprehension by local law enforcement.

At approximately 9:20 AM, a Walmart Loss Prevention employee reported that Johnny Palmer, who had previously been barred from the store, was seen inside. Walmart also noted that Palmer had stolen a pair of white and black tennis shoes and had exited the store through the automotive entrance while wearing a black T-shirt, gray pants, a black ball cap, and the stolen shoes.

Upon arrival, officers met with Walmart Loss Prevention who informed them that Palmer had fled into some brush on the south end of the parking lot. Officers began monitoring the area, and a Deputy was called to assist. While Deputy watched from the north side, an officer on the south side spotted Palmer hiding in the brush. Palmer then attempted to flee on a bicycle.

As Palmer tried to evade capture, he rode his bike across Walmart’s parking lot and Crites Road. When he tried to jump a curb, he damaged his rear tire and abandoned the bike, continuing on foot through an alley toward Third Street. The officer, warning Palmer to stop or face a taser, deployed two sets of taser probes, but they missed their target, and Palmer continued running.

The deputy arrived on the scene and assisted in Palmer’s capture. Palmer was taken into custody, and a search revealed a small amount of white powder, crystals, and what appeared to be marijuana in his possession. The stolen bicycle was secured as evidence, and the drugs were processed for destruction.

Palmer was transported back to Walmart, where Walmart provided a voluntary statement and a copy of the trespassing notice issued on June 17, 2021. The stolen shoes, valued at $24.98, were also documented.

Johnny Palmer was then transported to the Pickaway County Jail, where he was booked without incident. The case remains under review by local authorities.