PICKAWAY – For the first time since 2019 Memorial day parade in Circleville will occur.
The Pickaway County Soldiers Monumental Association announced that they will recognize the fallen with three services on Memorial day in 2022. All services will be on May 30th.
“After Covid and having no parades for years, we are hoping for a large turnout, said Sid Liming of the Soldiers Monumental Association, “We will have three Veterans we are honoring this year.”
Pickaway’s Oldest living Veteran Dr. Robery Vance Clendenen will be honored during the parade, Harry Canfield will serve as the Grand Marshall for the 2022 parade, and the third person is being honored posthumously Dennis Lester will be recognized as one of the grand marshals for the parade.
In the morning services will start at the High street cemetery at 8:15 am, followed by a parade through downtown Circleville that will start after the first ceremony on High street, go south on Pickaway Street to Main street, it will then head west to North Court then right on High street then left on Pickaway, then left of Pleasant Street, to North Court street to Forrest Cemetary where they will have service at 10 am following the parade.
The final event will be held at the Hilter-Ludwig Cemetary at 11:30 am on Hitler road in Pickaway County.
Other Memorial Day events for Memorial day will be performed by VFW Post 7941: Harrison Township Cemetery in South Bloomfield at 11 am, Floral Hills Cemetery at 1 am, and Reber Hill Cemetery in Walnut Township at 2 am. Representative Brian Stewart will speak at all three of these events.
We will follow the services and push them live on Sciotopost Facebook throughout the day.