The 2022 Ohio 4-H Achievement Awards were presented earlier this month at the Nationwide & Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center in Columbus. Three local 4-H members received one of these prestigious awards.

Eva Merritt received the Citizenship & Community Service Achievement Award. Eva Merritt, 15, has been a 4-H member for seven years and is active in leadership, shooting sports, woodworking, and quilting projects. Eva is the daughter of Luke and Jennifer Merritt, from Commercial Point, Ohio and is currently a junior at Teays Valley High School. She plans to attend college after graduating and pursue a career in medicine.

Allison Remick received the Poultry Achievement Award. Allison Remick, 18, has been a member of 4-H for 9 years, and has been working with poultry for 7. She is very active in community service and is a part of the Pickaway County Junior Fair Board. She is enrolled in Kent State for a major in zoology and a minor in vocal studies. She is very thankful for this honor
and is looking forward to her last year in 4-H.

Kiera Scott received the Communications Achievement Award. Kiera Scott, 17, is the daughter of Melissa Scott from Ashville in Pickaway County. She has been a 4-H member for 6 years and has been active in projects from communication to woodworking. She is going to be a senior at Teays Valley High School and wants to go to Miami University and study Exercise
Science to be a Physical Therapist.
Ohio 4-H Achievement Awards are presented annually to individuals for outstanding work in their project area. Twenty-nine youth statewide received 2022 honors and will now attend National 4-H Congress in Atlanta, Georgia in November. The evening was hosted by the Ohio 4-H
Ohio 4-H is the youth development program of Ohio State University Extension, with more than 84,000 young Ohioans participating in 4-H clubs, groups, and special interest programs.