Pickaway County OH- Food Drive is sponsored by Beta Rho Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma, a professional honor society of women educators worldwide.
The Community Cupboards or Blessing Boxes are a way that we, in the community, can help those who are struggling to feed their families. The number of struggling families is growing and the need for food donations is growing. Items needed are non-perishable food and toiletries. Christmas is a great time for us to help the community in this endeavor. There are 19 Community Cupboards in our county. The locations are as follows: Pickaway County YMCA, Pickaway County Board of Developmental Disabilities – East High St., Pickaway Senior Center, Second Baptist Church – West Mill St., Circleville Community Methodist Church, Circleville Community Mission – Lowery Lane, Pickaway County Library, Pickaway County Visitors Center, Good Shepherd Church , Emmett Chapel-Tarlton Rd., Saint Joseph Parish Center – Ohio St., Pickaway County Job & Family Services – Pickaway St., South Bloomfield Elementary School – Dowler Dr., Pickaway County Library Ashville, Darbyville Community Center, Williamsport United Methodist Church, Smitty’s Tavern – New Holland, Laurel Hills United Methodist Church – Laurelville, Commercial Point United Methodist Church.
Items that are most needed are as follows: Cereal/Pop Tarts, Powdered/Evaporated Milk, crackers, soups, tuna fish, canned chicken, canned pastas, ie. Beefaroni, mac & cheese, spaghetti and spaghetti sauce, Ramon Noodles, canned fruit, beans and weiners, baked beans, snack foods, canned vegetables, all types of toiletries. Pop tops on cans are very helpful. Large packaging is better for the Food Pantry than the Cupboards. Please do not bring anything in glass jars that could freeze or burst.
Drive thru event at the Presbyterian Church located at 134 East Mound St, Circleville, Ohio From 4:00PM – 5:00PM
Monetary gifts may also be given. Please make your check to BYC (Brooks Yates Center – Housing Opportunities); write “Community Cupboards” in the memo section of the check; and send to Pickaway County Board of Developmental Disabilities – 200 East High Street, Circleville 43113. So, please come out on Dec. 8 and help those in need. Please give in the spirit of the season!